Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The S.I.V.A. Model provides an alternative to demand / customer centered on the well-known marketing mix model of four Ps (product, price, placement, promotion) of marketing management. The idea behind it is to reaffirm the four P's in a way that reflects the sales environment of today where the power to build brands has gone from corporations to communities.
Based on this model:

Product = Solution;
Promotion = Information;
Price = Value
Place (Distribution) = Access.

Source: Boundless. "SIVA: solution, incentive / information, value and access." Boundless Marketing Boundless, May 26. 2016. Retrieved on 21 March 2017 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. does it related to 4p's of marketing or marketing mix? as described in the marketing mix article ?

    4p's of Marketing Mix


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