Monday, June 12, 2017

Networking marketing is now a multibillion-dollar trade, the way of many companies have adopted it to market their products and services. This method of marketing has been misinterpreted for a long time, but it has been recognized as a legitimate way to market services and products.

Despite all the criticisms of networking marketing, which is also known as multilevel marketing, it has continued to grow, and some have described it as a future trade and predicted its growth significantly in this century.

In 1934, Karl Rohnberg founded a food and health care company, later known as the California Vitamine Company Mutrilite Products,
He then introduced Dr.Castle Berry & Lee Mytinger, the multi-layered compensation plan sales managers, and was the start of network marketing in 1945. In 1949, Rich Devos & Jay Van Andel joined the company and later became The best marketers and then founded their own company in 1959 (the American Way Association began to turn to cosmetics, jewelry, electronics and furniture), joined by the end of the last century 3 million people in more than 80 countries around the world.
Network marketing has had to defend itself from the bad image and misunderstanding of many people of this industry, as it disturbs people between it and pyramid trade. In 1979 MAY won its case against the Federal Federal Commission. It has proven that network marketing is legal rather than hierarchical. Ten years later and after this decision, both the Federal Federal Commission and the President of the Bar Association in each state agreed on the rules and rules that explain what is regular network marketing and what is not a system. Davos and Van Indel made a fortune. Amway is still the world's leading network marketing company.
Taken from the book The Keys to Successful Marketing - Hind Rushdie - 2014

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